Young Investigator Grantees

The SFB 1381 guides and supports excellent candidates, such as advanced Postdocs, to promote their potential as successful group leaders.

In each funding phase we award SFB 1381 Young Investigator Grants to excellent Early Career Researchers with great potential for development in academia. Each project is funded with 30.000 Euro for one year and the awardees join the SFB as associated PIs- with the potential of becoming full PIs in the next funding period.

In the first funding period (2019-2023), the grants were awarded to Dr. Laura Gámez-Díaz and Dr. Sascha Yousefi.

In the second funding periond (2023-207) Dr. Ipek Akol, Dr. Sukanya Guhathakurta and Dr. Viviane Timmermann received the award.

Young Investigator Grantee, Second Funding Period (2023/2 - 2027/1)

Dr. Ipek Akol

University of Freiburg
Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology

Albertstr. 17
79104 Freiburg

Associated Investigator in SFB 1381, project YIG03

Dr. Sukanya Guhathakurta

Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics

Stübeweg 51
79108 Freiburg

Associated Investigator in SFB 1381, project YIG04

Dr. Viviane Timmermann

University of Freiburg
Institute of Physics/ Institute of Molecular Medicine and Cell Research

Hermann-Herder Str. 3
79104 Freiburg

Associated Investigator in SFB 1381, project YIG05

Young Investigator Grantee, First Funding Period (2019/2 - 2023/1)

Dr. Laura Gámez-Díaz

University Medical Center Freiburg
Institute for Immunodeficiency at ZTZ

Breisacher Str. 115
79106 Freiburg

Associated Investigator in SFB 1381, project YIG01

Dr. Sascha Yousefi

University of Freiburg
Institute of Biology III, Immunology

Schänzlestr. 18
79104 Freiburg

Associated Investigator in SFB 1381, project YIG02