Thanks everybody who actively contributed to first international CRC 1381 symposium on “Dynamic Organization of Cellular Protein Machineries”.
At this symposium invited international speakers presented their work along with Freiburg researchers from the CRC 1381.
The goal of the CRC is to better understand how protein machineries are assembled during biogenesis, how they are organized in modular (sub-)assemblies and how the dynamics in assembly and organization and their regulation are used for precise operation of cellular functions. These questions were discussed at the meeting with leading scientists in the field.
A summary of the symposium and impressions can be found here.
Please note: Due to the current situation and new regulations at our venue, the international symposium SFB 1381 “Dynamic Organization of Cellular Protein Machineries” had to take place online via Zoom.
Keynote Speaker:
- Roland LILL (Marburg)
Confirmed Speakers:
- Nenad BAN (Zürich)
- Peter BECKER (Munich)
- Melanie BLOKESCH (Lausanne)
- Ulrich BRANDT (Nijmegen/Cologne)
- Ariane BRIEGEL (Leiden)
- Bernd BUKAU (Heidelberg)
- Sabrina BÜTTNER (Stockholm)
- Elke DEUERLING (Konstanz)
- Ivan ĐIKIC (Frankfurt)
- David HASELBACH (Vienna/Freiburg)
- Ramanujan HEGDE (Cambridge)
- Ulrike KUTAY (Zürich)
- Thomas MEIER (London)
- Martin OTT (Stockholm)
- Mike RYAN (Melbourne)
- Irmgard SINNING (Heidelberg)
- Anne SPANG (Basel)
- Christian UNGERMANN (Osnabrück)
- Einat ZALCKVAR (Rehovot)
Opening of the Meeting | |
01:45 pm | Dial-in Zoom |
02:00 pm | Opening Remarks Chris Meisinger |
Session I: Protein Machineries in Proteinsynthesis and Quality Control I Chair: Hans-Georg Koch | |
02:10 pm | Ivan Đikic Endoplasmic reticulum remodelling via ER-phagy pathways |
02:40 pm | Elke Deuerling Mechanism of protein sensing and sorting at the ribosome |
03:10 pm | Nora Vögtle Cellular responses to mitochondrial proteotoxic stress |
03:40 pm | Bernd Bukau Mechanisms of co-translational protein folding and assembly |
04:10 pm | Coffee Break |
Keynote Lecture Chair: Chris Meisinger | |
04:40 pm | Roland Lill Biogenesis of iron-sulfur proteins in eukaryotes: Mitochondria, Mitosomes, Mechanisms and Maladies |
Session II: Protein Machineries in Proteinsynthesis and Quality Control II Chair: Matthias Boll | |
09:00 am | Ramanujan Hegde Quality control during the assembly of protein complexes |
09:30 am | Christian Ungermann Mechanistic insights into endosomal maturation and organelle identity |
10:00 am | Sabrina Büttner Manganese-driven CoQ deficiency |
10:30 am | Coffee Break |
Session III: Protein Machineries in Proteinsynthesis and Quality Control III Chair: Ralf Baumeister | |
11:00 am | Martin Ott Organization and regulation of mitochondrial protein synthesis |
11:30 am | Sabine Rospert Ribosome-bound Get4/5 connects translation with the guided entry of tail-anchored proteins (GET) targeting pathway |
12:00 pm | David Haselbach Nuclear import of the mammalian 26S proteasome |
12:30 pm | Lunch Break |
Session IV: Protein Translocation Machineries Chair: Thorsten Hugel | |
02:00 pm | Ulrike Kutay Ribosome synthesis in human cells |
02:30 pm | Chris Meisinger Signal switches at the mitochondrial protein import machinery |
03:00 pm | Anne Spang FERARI and cargo adaptors regulate cargo flow in the endocytic system |
03:30 pm | Coffee Break |
Session V: Protein Machineries in Epigenetics Chair: Annegret Wilde | |
04:00 pm | Peter Becker Roles for Domino complexes in transcription regulation and the DNA damage response |
04:30 pm | Eva Schäfer Loss of Polycomb Repressive Complex 1 drives oncogenic signaling in leukemia |
05:00 pm | Asifa Akhtar MOF complexes: Epigenetics meets Metabolism |
Session VI: Assembly of Respiratory Chain Complexes Chair: Carola Hunte | |
09:00 am | Mike Ryan New insights into complex IV assembly |
09:30 am | Ulrich Brandt Assembly and modular architecture of mitochondrial complex I |
10:00 am | Thomas Meier Dynamic structures of ATP synthases and their role as new drug targets against infectious diseases
10:30 am | Coffee Break |
Young Researchers Session: Speakers invited by SFB1381 PhD students Chair: Arpita Nandy (students representative) | |
11:00 am | Nenad Ban Structural basis of protein synthesis and biogenesis in eukaryotes: from basic principles to translation in coronavirus infected cells |
11:30 am | Einat Zalckvar New concepts in protein targeting to peroxisomes - Being in the right place at the right time |
12:00 pm | Laura Gámez-Díaz Dynamics of LRBA machinery in autophagy and vesicle trafficking |
12:30 pm | Lunch Break |
Session VII: Protein Machineries in Proteinsynthesis and Quality Control IV Chair: Maja Köhn | |
02:00 pm | Irmgard Sinning Mechanisms of membrane protein biogenesis by the GET insertase complex |
02:30 pm | Oliver Einsle Tracing the machinery of cytochrome c maturases |
03:00 pm | Flash talks |
Ludovic Enkler The small GTPase Arf1 regulates ATP synthesis and mitochondria homeostasis by modulating fatty acid metabolism | |
Martin Milanov Adaptive remodeling of ribosome composition and function in response to metabolic changes and cellular stress | |
Lukas Brandherm Interactions between the SARS-CoV-2 protein Orf9b and TOM70 | |
Julia Schimpf Understanding the assembly and directionality in the multi-component Hsp90 machinery by single molecule FRET | |
03:30 pm | Coffee Break |
Session VIII: Dynamic Prokaryotic Protein Machineries Chair: Wolfgang Schamel | |
04:00 pm | Melanie Blokesch V. cholerae’s protein machines involved in horizontal gene transfer |
04:30 pm | Ariane Briegel Exploring the structure and function of microbial motility: chemotaxis and intermicrobial transport |
05:00 pm | Sonja-Verena Albers Structure and function of the archaellum, the archaeal motility structure |
Closing Remarks | |
05:30 pm | Chris Meisinger |
Scientific program committee
- Asifa Akhtar
- Sonja-Verena Albers
- Oliver Einsle
- Chris Meisinger
- Sabine Rospert
- Nora Vögtle