Principal Investigator
University of Freiburg
Institute of Biology II, Biochemistry and Functional Proteomics
Schänzlestr. 1
79104 Freiburg
- +49 (0)761 / 203-2690
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Academic Career
Since 2023 | Professor for Biochemistry and Functional Proteomics (W3), Institute for Biology II, University of Freiburg |
2019 - 2023 | Professor for Protein Dynamics and Proteolysis (W2), University of Cologne, Germany |
2014 - 2023 | Team leader / PI protein mass spectrometry, ZEA-3 Analytics, Forschungszentrum Jülich |
2008 - 2014 | Postdoctoral Fellow / Research Associate, Centre for Blood Research and Faculty of Dentistry, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada |
2002 - 2007 | Dr. rer. nat, University of Konstanz (Prof. Dr. Iwona Adamska) |