Principal Investigator
University of Freiburg
Institute of Biochemistry
Albertstr. 21
79104 Freiburg
- +49 (0 )761 / 203-6058
- Homepage

Academic Career
Since 2008 | Full professor of Biochemistry, Freiburg, Germany |
2003 – 2008 | Junior professor for Protein Crystallography, Göttingen, Germany |
2001 – 2002 | Postdoc with D. C. Rees, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA |
2000 – 2001 | Postdoc with R. Huber, Max-Planck-Institute for Biochemistry, Martinsried, Germany |
2000 | PhD (Dr. rer. nat.)University of Konstanz / MPI for Biochemistry, Germany |