Cryo-Electron Microscopy (cryo-EM) is a very efficient tool to study protein complexes and machineries and therefore highly relevant for the SFB 1381 “Dynamic organization of cellular protein machineries”. It is based on vitrification of purified proteins in a thin layer of ice, imaging in a state-of-the-art 300 kV transmission electron microscope and computational averaging of many identical particles to obtain a high-resolution 3D reconstruction from 2D projection images.
This workshop, performed by the CryoEM Facility of the University of Freiburg with the support of the SFB 1381, will introduce the method and the newly established facility. It targets participants who have not performed Cryo-EM experiments before.
The workshop will be composed of the following parts:
- Introduction to Cryo-EM
- Sample preparation (demonstration)
- Loading of samples into the microscope (demonstration)
- Sample screening
- Data collection
- Data analysis
Parts 1 and 6 will be plenary sessions, whereas parts 2-5 will be hands-on sessions with a maximum of five people at a time. Therefore, the detailed program will depend on the numbers of participants and can only be fixed after registration. If more than 5 participants sign up, we will split up into smaller groups for the hands-on sessions. Overall, the workshop will be about 1.5 days long.
If you are interested in participation, please contact the SFB coordination office (