
MOF is part of the machinery responsible for protein acetylation of mitochondrial proteins

Oct 09, 2023

The lysine acetyltransferase MOF has been known to be responsible for the acetylation of histones, however, recent findings showed that MOF is not only found in the nucleus but also in the mitochondria of cells. A joint research study headed by SFB 1381 PI Asifa Akthar (B03) and supported by SFB PI Bettina Warscheid (B5) finds that MOF is in charge of acetylation of mitochondrial proteins. More concrete they could show that COX17 is an important target of MOF-mediated acetylation: Acetylation of COX17 promotes its function, whereas deacetylation impairs it.

More information regarding the study can be found in the press release of the MPI. The original publication was published in Nature Metabolism and can be found here.

Illustration: Sukanya Guhathakurta