
“How to Boost your Academic Career: Tips from Successful Scientists”

Sep 20, 2019

On September 17th, 2019, SFB 1381 PIs Claudine Kraft and Nora Vögtle participated in the event “How to Boost your Academic Career: Tips from Successful Scientists”. This event was part of the round-table discussions on research funding, organized by the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Freiburg. These round-table discussions give clinician scientists, postdocs and early-career researchers the opportunity to receive information on research funding and academic career development.

Claudine Kraft and Nora Vögtle and two other presenters gave an insight into their academic careers – Claudine Kraft has received an ERC Consolidator Grant and Nora Vögtle is an Emmy-Noether grantee and received a fellowship through the Postdoc Eliteprogramm. They each gave a short presentation about their career steps, in particular about the transition from early-career researcher to leading researcher. Afterwards, members of the audience had the opportunity to ask questions.
