
2nd call for SFB 1381 Young Investigator Grants is open

Sep 30, 2024

We are very happy to announce our 2nd call for two Young Investigator Grants.

The SFB 1381 seeks two highly talented and successful post-docs who are in the transition phase from post-doc to group leader (max. 5 years after PhD). Each award is 30.000 Euro and has to promote a scientific project in the area of dynamic organization of cellular protein machineries. Successful Young Investigators will be associated with the SFB 1381. Funding starts on January 1, 2025, for the duration of one year. Female scientists are especially encouraged to apply.

Applications have to include a CV with track record, project proposal (max. two pages), a preliminary budget plan and the approval of the PI.

Please send the application until latest September 30, 2024 as single pdf file to the management office of the SFB 1381 (

For further information please contact:

Prof. Meisinger, Speaker SFB 1381,


Dr. Huesgen, Coordinator SFB 1381,